

Performing Ornaments

An interactive installation, where the visitors can create visuals and transform the space, using their hands (Schmiede Wekschau 2021). . . . . . . . . Watch Video

Live In Yard

Performing visuals for music by dj Shamanic Boy (2021)

Herrin Gedeck

Herrin Gedeck joins female artists of various backgrounds in one performance installation exploring communication between visuals, music, sound, haiku and the body (2021)


ludic [adjective] • /ˈlü-dik/ • : showing spontaneous and undirected playfulness.

lucid [adjective] • /ˈlü-dik/ • : bright or luminous.

Ludik Studio aims at creating visual forms through light. Organic and ornamental forms through intuitive play.

My name is Konstantina and I am a 2/3D Creative and I love to explore across media and play around. My background is Architecture, Computational Design and UI Design.

If you like my work, have an idea or want to collaborate, contact me at hello(at)ludik.studio
